10% of diabetics
DM usually appears for the first time during childhood (and persists for life)
Caused by absolute deficiency of insulin : may be caused by autoimmune attack of β -cells of the pancreas, viral infection or toxin. Destruction is enhanced by environmental factors as viral infection & a genetic element
Pancreatic Islet cells antibodies are available in serum of patients
In identical twins if one sibling has type 1 DM, the other twin has only 30- 50% chanceof developing DM N.B. 80% of type 1 diabetics have nor diabetic relatives. (So, genetic element is not strong in type 1)
Sudden onset of severe symptoms appear when 80-90% of the b-cells have been destroyed
Characterized by rapid weight loss in a relatively short period (muscle wasting)
Commonly complicated by diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
DM type 1 is treated only by insulin (insulin injection is essential for life)