Clues for Diagnostic Interview (Gates - 7 Ps)
- Passionate
- Professional
- Predict
- Prioritize
- Probe: Verify any symptom
Don’t take what is verbalized for granted - Pay attention to agenda (could be something else)
- Praise: validate positive
Clues for Diagnostic Categories (6 Gates)Z
Identifying broad diagnosis either of these three if theres no specific diagnosis in hand.
- Organic
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s type, vascular dementia, dementia due to a general medical condition, substance induced persisting dementia, Delirium.
- Dementia
- Drugs
- Stimulants
- Opioid
- Cannabis
- Alcohol
- others
- Schizophrenia
- Schizoaffective Psychotic dis due to a medical condition,
- substance-induced psychotic
- Schizophrenia
- Depressive dis
- Bipolar disorder
- Dysthymia dis
- Cyclothymia dis
- Mood dis due to a general medical condition
- Substance-induced mood disorder
Anxiety, Stress
- Anxiety dis
- Stress related dis
- Substance-related dis
- Cluster A
- Cluster B
- Cluster C