Cluster B

  • A pattern of behavior that is viewed as dramatic or emotional.
  • Often display erratic or impulsive behaviors.
  • There is generally a marked self-absorption that results in a diminished capacity for empathy.


  • This diagnosis is not given to clients under the age of 18.
  • Usually engage in illegal activities;
  • Routinely practice deceit;
  • Often aggressive and violent;
  • Typically irresponsible
  • Generally ignore the rights and feelings of others.
  • Rarely show remorse


  • Typically demonstrate erratic interpersonal relationships;
  • Fluctuating self-image and/or affect;
  • Marked impulsivity.
  • Frequently engage in suicidal or self-mutilating behaviors.
  • Noted for extremes in affect and in judgment.
  • They rarely see themselves or others in a balanced way.
  • These clients are the most likely of people with personality disorders to seek treatment.


  • Characterized by emotionality and attention seeking.
  • Are only comfortable when they are the “center of attention”.
  • Will use physical appearance, speech, and emotions to command others’ attention.


  • A grandiose sense of self-importance;
  • A need for attention
  • A reduced capacity for empathy
  • Often seem to have an exaggerated sense of entitlement;
  • Expect to be admired and obeyed by others.
  • Usually seeks treatment when frustrated by others.