Arterial Blood Supply Z
- External Carotid
- Maxillary
- Facial
- Internal Carotid
- Ophthalmic
littles area for epistaxisZ
Venous Drainage
- Facial vein ⇒
- Internal jugular ⇒
- Angular vein ⇒
- Ophthalmic ⇒
- Cavernous sinus
Lymphatic Drainage
- Submandibular
- Retropharyngeal
- Superior deep cervical
Nerve Supply Of The Nasal Cavity
- Olfactory
- General sensory: Trigeminal nerve
- Autonomic: sphenopalatine ganglion
Olfactory Nerve Supply
lateral hypothalamus
olfactory —|
pyrifal cortex (uncus)
‘olfactory bulb
The central olfactory
Sensory Nerve Supply
- Ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal
Autonomic Nerve Supply
- Sphenopalatine ganglion
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic