Amino Penicillins - Broad -SPECTRUM PENICILLINS

The amino group tricks the bacterial cell wall and lets the drug in Spectrum Like Pen-G with the addition of G-ve: Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, H.Influenza

  • Cons: Beta Lactamase susceptible, Cause superinfection
How do we solve this problem?
Beta LactamaseSuperinfection
- Add calvulinic acid which even extend the spectrum even more.

- Hepatotoxic

- Drug name: Augmentin
Usage of prodrugs piva,tala,paca

Higher levels in blood and tissues

Comparison between Ampicillin and Amoxicillin:

- Ampicillin- Amoxicillin
- Absorption- âś“- âś“âś“
- Distribution- âś“- âś“âś“
- Diarrhea side effects- +++- +
- Spectrum- Shigella, H.Infeluenza- Salmonella, Strept.Facialis

Though the antistaphylococcal penicillins improve on the gram-positive coverage of natural penicillins, they do not add to their gram-negative coverage. Aminopenicillins are more water soluble and pass through porin channels in the cell wall of some gram-negative organisms.

However, they are susceptible to beta-lactamases, and resistance to them is common. Aminopenicillins are rarely active against staphylococci, because these almost always produce penicillinases. These drugs also do not have useful activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  • Their spectrum like penicillin G plus gram negative bacteria e.g. H. influenza, Salmonella, Proteus, and Shigella. They are B-lactamase susceptible
  • They can be given orally (acid resistant) and by injection (IM and IV). They include