An imaging technique involving the injection of contrast dye into the cervical canal and serial radiographs to evaluate the uterine cavity and morphology/patency of the fallopian tubes
- Put the patient in lithotomy position.
- Under aseptic condition introduce the cannula in to the cervix and introduce water soluble contrast media
- Pelvic ring centered
- Cannula/catheter visible within cervix.
- Opacified uterine cavity and tubes visible.
- Contrast media seen in the peritoneum.
- Optimum density and contrast.
HSG Reference radiologic method for assessing tubal patency
- Infertility and recurrent miscarriages
- Congenital uterine anomalies
- Uterine tube pathologies
- Recent surgery on the tubes or the uterus
- Acute and sub acute PID
- Contrast allergy
- Pregnancy ( UPT /Beta hCG mandatory)
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Contrast media reactions