• complete medical evaluation includes
  • medical history
  • physical examination
  • Appropriate laboratory or imaging studies
  • analysis of data
  • Diagnoses
  • Treatment plan

What Is Integral Distinction Of Neurological History?

  • The neurological history should be a focused, goal-directed exercise that answers the following questions:
  • Where in the NS is the lesion?
  • What is the pathological process (e.g. inflammatory, vascular, infectious)?
  • Is this a purely neurological problem or a neurological manifestation of a systemic disease?

Neurological history taking

Components; •Medications and allergies - past and current medications e.g anti-convulsants, OC, steroids, anti-hypertensives, anti-coagulants

  • Presenting complaint
  • One or several? Useful to list.
  • Allow uninterrupted narrative, so far as possible

Clarify - Date of onset CNS - Frequency of recurrence - Duration of episodes - Evolution - Nature of main symptom, in detail - Tempo - Associated features - Triggers - Exacerbating/relieving factors CNS; Conditions which exacerbate and remit

- Treatments; - Patients may have taken drugs or other forms of therapy - Such drugs may not have been taken properly - adverse effects by themselves
- worsened or alleviated the symptoms - no effect whatsoever except

Neurological symptoms

The “ Classic” History Taking Sequence

The order are :-

Subjective. This will include those relevant points obtained from the Chief Complaints, the History of the Present Illness, the Functional Inquiry, Personal and Family History.

Questions to be answered!!!

  • Is there a lesion
  • Where is the lesion
  • What is the lesion
  • Is there treatment