Postpartum Depression
- Postpartum depression: a major depressive episode that is temporally associated with childbirth.
- Postpartum blues: “baby blues”, heightened emotions, peaks in 3-5 days after delivery, may last up until 14 days
- (tearfulness, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, mood lability)
- Postpartum psychosis: severe postpartum depression associated with delusions.
Who is most likely to be affected?
- Estimated that 10-20% of mothers have postpartum depression.
- Postpartum blues occurs in about 50-80% of mothers.
- 2/3 women have onset within 6 weeks of delivery.
- Risk Factors: history of depression, lack of social support.
- Prognosis- may last 6-12 months; women at risk for postpartum depression and depression in the future.
- Professional and/or social support.
- Counseling, IPT.
- Antidepressants SSRIs.
- Transdermal estrogen.