
  • Apex beat .
  • left parasternal movement due to right ventricular hypertrophy.
  • pulsation in 2d left ICS 2ry to enlarged PA.
  • epigastric pulsation 2ry to expanded abdominal aorta


  1. Apex beat 5th ICS midclavicular line.
  2. Left parasternal heave 2nd ICS 2ry to RVH.
  3. Thrill (vibrating sensation indicates palpable murmur).


  1. bell to detect low-pitched sounds , press lightly against the skin
  2. diaphragm detect high-pitched sounds press firmly against the skin

Remember –Don’t Examine Thru Clothing or “Snake” Stethoscope Down Shirts/Gowns ! - Sitting and Leaning forward - Lying supine - Lying in left lateral decubitus position

Areas of Auscultation - Aortic valve - Pulmonic valve - Tricuspid valve - Mitral valve/ apex of the heart

Valves And Surface Anatomy Areas of auscultation correlate w/rough location of each valve •Where you listen will determine what you hear!

Auscultation Technique

  1. Start over Aortic area 2nd Right Intercostal Space (ICS) –Use Angle of Louis as landmark
  2. Pulmonic area (2ndL ICS)
  3. Inch down sternal border Tricuspid area (4thL ICS)
  4. Inch towards Mitral area (5thICS, mid-clavicular)
    Listen in ~ 6 places-precise total doesn’t matter –gives you sense of change In sounds as change location

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Signs to look out for