it is a dye of complex structure - No cross resistance .
Mechanism of action
bind to mycobacterial DNA and inhibit mycobacterial replication and growth.
Clofazimine is given orally and tend to accumulates in the body, being sequestered in the mononuclear phagocyte system. The plasma half-life may be as long as 8 weeks. The antileprotic effect is delayed and is usually not evident for 6-7 weeks.
It also has anti-inflammatory activity and is useful in patients in whom dapsone causes inflammatory side effects. • the anti-leprotic effect is delayed (after 6-7 weeks) • the plasma half –life may be as long as 8 weeks
Unwanted effects of clofazimine
Unwanted effects may be related to the fact that clofazimine is a dye. The skin and urine can develop a reddish colour and the lesions a blue-black discoloration.Z
Dose-related nausea, giddiness, headache and gastrointestinal disturbances can also occur