
Bell’s Palsy is an acute lower motor neuron facial paralysis, usually unilateral. It is the most common cause of LMN facial paralysis.


The exact cause is unknown, but several theories exist:

  1. Viral Infection (Most Accepted)
    • Viral prodrome in ~60% of patients.
  2. Vascular Ischemic Neuropathy
    • Exposure to cold leads to vasospasm of vasa nervosa supplying the facial nerve.
    • Causes metabolite accumulation, nerve edema, and compression within its bony canal, exacerbating ischemia.
  3. Autoimmune Reactions

Clinical Picture

  1. Paralysis: Acute LMNL unilateral facial paralysis, either partial or complete.
  2. Viral Prodrome: Present in ~60% of cases.
  3. Ear Pain: Present in 50% of patients, may precede paralysis.
  4. Impairment of Taste: Occurs in 50% of patients.
  5. Phonophobia: Intolerance of loud sounds due to stapedius paralysis.
  6. Prognosis: Generally good, with about 85% achieving complete recovery and ~3% showing no recovery.


  1. General Management of Facial Nerve Paralysis:

    • Eye Care:
      • Closure of the eye.
      • Eye refreshment drops.
      • Eye ointment.
  2. Medical Treatment: ( must  be started  in   the   first   3   days)        in the form of:

    • Corticosteroids: Prednisolone in dose of 1mg/kg body weight/day tapered   in   10-15   days   (  to decrease  edema of the nerve).
    • Acyclovir Tablets: tablets  for one week  (Viral theory).
  3. Surgical Treatment:

    • Nerve Decompression: of the nerve through middle cranial fossa approach is advised by some surgeons. If there is more than 90% degeneration within 3 weeks as shown by ENOG.Z