Pharmacological actions

*Competes with dopa for dopa decarboxylase enzyme leading to formation of alpha methyl norepinephrine (false chemical transmitter) Which:

  1. activates inhibitory a2 receptor in the medullary region leading to inhibition of the sympathetic outflow
  2. Inhibits plasma renin activity
  3. Antihypertensive

Therapeutic Uses

Used for pregnancy mostly due to negligble side effects - but it has weak therapeutic effects - Treatment of hypertension. (in pregnant female and in chronic renal failure) because it does not affect the heart rate, COP, renal, cerebral or myocardial blood flow.  

Adverse effects

  • Drowsiness (common and disappears with continued treatment).
  • Depression (Less than reserpine).
  • Nasal stuffiness.
  • Drug fever.
  • Salt and water retention.
  • Liver damage; if long term
  • Bone marrow depression.
  • Positive Commb’s test.

For Pregnancy + Hypertention 1- a methyl dopa 2- Hydrolazine; may cause rash 3- Labetalol; cant be used with diabetes 4- Nifidipine …